“It’s only been 2 weeks, but I seem to have more energy and my mood is stable and happy. Hot flashes have decreased by about half.” ~ Sally G.

See How Over 77,402 Women Have Used This 12 Second Morning Ritual To Silence Hormonal Chaos For Good

“Within a week, my hot flashes reduced. I felt calm and slept better too!”
~ Angela S.
NEW Ultra Potent Hormone Harmony
25X Potency | Fast and Complete Menopause Relief
221 Reviews
- Women often notice improvement within 7 days
- Clinically-proven to relieve menopause symptoms in 30 to 90 days
- Promotes better sleep
- Supports healthy weight. Goodbye menopause belly!
- Quiets food cravings
- Reduces hot flashes and night sweats
- Rebalances mood
- Enhances energy and desire
- 60 Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee
Real Women, Sharing Real Results with Hormone Harmony
~ Melissa Peluzzi
~ Kylie G.
~ Melanie S.
Menopause is Natural. Living with it is Not
Menopause is a natural part of every woman’s life. But that doesn’t mean they need to suffer with the misery it brings. And they don’t need to “learn to live with it” or “just get used to it” either. Even if that’s what they hear from their family, friends, and doctors.
So for any woman struggling with miserable menopause symptoms, there’s good news. That struggle ends today. Because in just a moment, we’ll talk about how the key to total menopause relief…
Is found in the ‘Menopause Master Control Center’. This is something many people don’t know about, including doctors. Yet, it’s the source of the worst menopause suffering women endure. This includes:
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Poor sleep
- Loss of energy and desire
- Increased appetite and food cravings
- Weight gain (menopause belly!)
- Wild mood swings
- Anxiety and stress
- Feeling down and depressed
- Brain fog and trouble focusing
- Memory loss

Yikes, right? Fortunately, it’s easy to neutralize these symptoms in one fell swoop.
We’ll show how an ancient Greek fruit and Peruvian mountain herb…
Combine forces to create an all-natural fix that delivers complete menopause relief. And it stops this “master control” from going whacky ever again. Best of all, it starts working right away...with dramatic results possible in the first week. More on this in a minute...
But the first step to breaking free from menopause prison…
Is understanding these 4 common myths that keep women trapped in their suffering.
The Top 4 “Menopause Myths” Busted
These myths originate from family, friends, even doctors. They don’t understand the plight of women going through perimenopause or menopause. Any of these sound familiar?
Myth vs. Fact
So not only is there no relief, but they can do more harm than good!
Now that we busted these 4 myths, the next step for complete menopause relief…
Is understanding where most symptoms originate in the first place.
“Menopause Master Control Center”
The Missing Link for Total Menopause Relief
Everyone loves talking about hormones, especially estrogen. But we already know low estrogen is the driving force behind menopause.
What most people aren’t talking about, is where the actual symptoms take form. Even though estrogen is produced in the ovaries, most menopause symptoms don’t start there.
So where do they come from?
The Master Control Center aka The BRAIN!
That’s right. Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and all those other symptoms listed above…
Begin and end in the brain!
The hormonal chaos of menopause causes different parts of the brain to go haywire. When this happens, the brain is unable to properly regulate these body functions. This is what causes all the menopause misery women over 40 know too well. It’s also responsible for stubborn weight gain and menopause belly.
Low Estrogen = Fat Cell Multiplier
Fat cells contain weak amounts of estrogen. When estrogen tanks during menopause, the body increases fat cell production to compensate. It’s like an evil seesaw that makes fat cling to the body no matter how hard a woman diets or exercises.
This is why it’s so hard for menopausal women to lose weight. Despite their best efforts, their bodies are directed to keep pumping out new fat cells…
In a desperate attempt to obtain more estrogen.
And guess who’s in charge of this process like everything else? Yep, the good ole’ brain. So the answer is pretty simple when you think about it…
Instead of pumping the body full of dangerous, synthetic estrogen…
We need to silence the hormonal chaos in the brain for complete menopause relief.
Introducing Hormone Harmony:
The 12-in-1 Natural Fix for Total Menopause Relief

- 12 powerful adaptogen herbs that silence hormonal chaos in the brain.
- Up to 25X the doses used in other menopause supplements for superior results.
- Rare form of chaste tree extract that reduces most severe menopause symptoms by 87%.
- Works fast. Dramatic relief possible within the first week.
Best in Class Benefits You Won’t Find Anywhere Else
Best all-natural ingredients Mother Nature has to offer.
Super potent doses of natural ingredients proven to work in clinical studies.
Reduces hot flashes and night sweats by 87%.
Promotes peaceful, uninterrupted sleep.
Reduces weight, bloating, and sugar cravings.
Reduces anxiety and stress by 75% and restores a happy, balanced mood.
Enhances energy, desire, and comfortable intimacy.
Clears brain fog and increases mental clarity.
Reclaims quality of life before menopause.
Starts working immediately with noticeable results in as little as 7 days.
3 easy-to-swallow capsules once every morning.
Takes just 12 seconds a day.
No unpleasant taste.
Remarkably safe with little to no major side effects reported.
Real Women, Sharing Real Results with Hormone Harmony
~ Lanie M.
~ Julie O.
~ Melissa Peluzzi

"It's Working Already!"
"I suffer from Trigeminal neuralgia (TN), an extremely painful facial nerve condition which causes me alot of stress and anxiety as the pain attacks are fierce and random.
I have only been taking these capsules just under 2 weeks now and have already noticed a sense of peace and calm. I also feel lesss bloated and balancing my hormones in due course! Highly recommended!"
— Tania R.

“Life Changing”
For me taking the hormone harmony changed the way I felt in general with menopause , when I forgot to order it and had to wait I could really notice the difference of not taking it It’s helped with brain fog , flushes , irritability it’s a 10 out of 5 for me ♥️♥️♥️ Ps I now have it on subscription lol.
— Angela G.

"I Just Love The Immediate Results”
"Love this product. I have been trying so many different products. Immediately I can sleep through most of the night.
My bloating has ceased. My night sweats are down to one or two during the night. I just love the immediate results."
— Jennifer W.
“I was very surprised how quickly this product worked. I have just started perimenopause in the last 12 months with all the symptoms. Very quickly Hormone Harmony has settled my nerves. I am now experiencing a sense of calm in situations that would normally have me agitated. Also, sleep is now a regular occurrence finally! I would normally have 1-2 hours sleep and toss and turn most of the night. Now, I am getting 6 to 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I have a sensitive stomach and was cautious trying something new. However, I did not experience any issues taking it at all. I highly recommend this product, it’s easy to take and effective.”
“My hot flashes have been so bad! I’ve been having one around every 40-50 minutes day & night!! After around one week of using Hormone Harmony, they have reduced by half. And I actually slept for 2 hours straight for the first time in about 2 years!! I'm getting improvements each day & feeling a lot better overall.”
“After 3 weeks of Hormone Harmony I'm feeling calm, composed, and balanced. My gut issues are improving and I’m sleeping better. Overall, I feel energized and better than I thought possible. I figured I was just doomed to feel 'old' as I moved into my 50's, but no, I feel great! Can't recommend these enough! Thank you!”
“I am a 48 year-old perimenopausal woman and I get a lot of benefits from this product. I would say overall I feel much better, compared to before starting this product about 6 months ago. My mood is more stable, I have less hot flashes, more energy, less brain fog and fewer painful periods. I will continue using this product every day. It seems to get me through this transition without feeling like my whole body is changing. Which is how it felt before I started using this.”

“I was suffering perimenopauasal symptoms and hot flashes every 5 minutes, it was crazy. I can't go on HRT because of endometriosis. After coming across Happy Mammoth for sleep issues, I saw the reviews on hormone harmony and thought I'd give it a go. I'd say my symptoms cleared up within a week! No flushes no issues with sleep it's amazing.
Have definitely noticed (and so have others) that I do not have the extended menopausal belly and haven't finished the bottle yet. Even though I was sleeping well I seem to be sleeping even better - that real deep sleep when I'm not dreaming and waking up feeling positive and refreshed in the morning.
Amazing results from my first bottle
I only just started taking Hormone Harmony and am almost finished my first bottle but I’ve noticed a massive difference already. My mood is better, the pain hasn’t been as intense as previous months and I take it before bed, so I’ve noticed my sleep has been better! I’m going to be a customer forever now because nothing else has helped me as much as this has! Thank you for an amazing product!
Hormone Harmony Magic
12 Premium Nutrients Working in Harmony
After years of diving deep into the science behind menopause…
And combing through hundreds of clinical studies…
We identified 2 “menopause marvels” and 10 “hormone harmonizers”...
Which work in synergy to calm the hormonal chaos of menopause.
Menopause Marvel #1:
Chaste Tree Berry Extract
2,000 years ago, the ancient Greeks relied on this exotic fruit to manage menopause symptoms. Today, an abundance of clinical studies prove it’s one of nature’s best kept secrets for menopause relief. Check out this highlight reel:
- Decreases hot flashes and night sweats by 87%6
- Decreases anxiety by 75%
- Decreases somatic (physical) symptoms by 50%
- Decreases depressed mood by 42%
- Increases desire and intimacy by 35%

If that wasn’t enough…
Another study of 1,000 people showed chaste tree extract reduced PMS symptoms in 93% of women!7
As you can see…
Chaste tree extract works wonders in calming hormonal chaos in the brain. This makes it deserving of the accolade “menopause marvel.”

The Hormone Harmony Advantage:
Hormone Harmony contains 1,500mg of chaste tree extract per serving. That’s up to 25X the amount included in other supplements. This translates into fast relief that lasts long-term.
And when you combine chaste tree extract with this second menopause marvel…
Results are amplified even faster.
Menopause Marvel #2:
If you dared to venture 14,000 feet up the Andes Mountains in Peru…
You’d find the MACA plant growing in abundance. Natives have used this powerful adaptogen for centuries to improve:
- Fatigue
- Digestion
- Stress
- and Physical Intimacy

And when it comes to relieving classic menopause symptoms…
The results are nothing short of remarkable. Studies show MACA decreases the following symptoms up to 87%8:
Hot flashesNight sweatsPoor sleepAnxietyDepressive moods
Truthfully, the combination of our ultra potent chaste tree extract and MACA alone…
Can produce life-changing hormonal relief. But at Happy Mammoth, we don’t settle for just “good enough.”
Our goal was to create the best all-natural fix for menopause relief in the market. That’s why we included 10 more “hormone harmonizers” in our one-of-a-kind formula. This guarantees all bases are covered. And it’s why we can say with 100% confidence…
That Hormone Harmony delivers best in class results for all-natural menopause relief.
Let’s take a look at these
10 Hormone Harmonizers.
Hormone Harmonizer #1:
Fennel Seed Extract

Studies show fennel seed extract reduces these symptoms by 40%9:
Hot flashesLack of sleepDrynessAnxiety
Hormone Harmonizer #2:
Broccoli Sprout Extract

Broccoli sprout is a natural detoxifier. In particular, it detoxifies the liver and helps it metabolize estrogen. This is important so that estrogen is broken down into usable forms by the body. Essentially, broccoli sprout extract helps maximize estrogen efficiency.10
Hormone Harmonizer #3:
Rosemary Extract

This special herb works wonders for promoting better concentration, focus, and brain performance.
Like broccoli sprouts, rosemary extract also helps detoxify the liver and metabolize estrogen. In addition, it helps reduce PMS symptoms and hot flashes.11
Hormone Harmonizer #4:

You might be familiar with chamomile and its soothing effect in tea. But at the right doses, chamomile is remarkably effective against menopause symptoms too. It greatly reduces hot flashes, while improving digestion and physical desire. 19
Hormone Harmonizer #5:
Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola is one of the most powerful adaptogens in existence. And it works like a charm for the “3 M’s”: Mood, Memory, and Motivation.
It delivers significant improvements in:
- Energy
- Stress
- Mood swings
- Cognitive function (goodbye brain fog!)
- Memory12
Hormone Harmonizer #6:

Ashwagandha is another boon for silencing the hormonal chaos in the brain.
- It wipes away stress and anxiety
- Enhances memory
- And improves sleep.17
It heats things up in the bedroom too. Studies show it improves:
- Arousal
- Pleasure
- And Overall Satisfaction18
Hormone Harmonizer #7:
Wild Yam

Over 600 species of wild yam exist. Yet, we sourced the extract most known for its menopause benefits.
Wild yam helps stabilize the hormonal chaos of menopause. It also relieves muscle spasms and cramps associated with PMS.13
Hormone Harmonizer #8:
American Ginseng

Native Americans loved using American ginseng to soothe digestion, headaches, fever, and infertility. Today, clinical studies show American ginseng is a great choice for menopause relief. It improves arousal and physical intimacy...while reducing hot flashes.16
Hormone Harmonizer #9:
Gymnema Sylvestre

This tropical plant is native to India, Africa, and Australia. It works like a charm to reduce cravings and control weight.
Clinical studies have shown gymnema:
- Reduces Blood Sugar
- Controls Hunger Hormones To Reduce Hunger
- Reduces Food Intake
- And Promotes A Healthy Metabolism.20
But here’s where gymnema sylvestre is really unique.
It blocks sugar receptors on the tongue, greatly reducing cravings for sugary foods. This is the perfect solution for those of us with a sweet tooth!
It can work wonders for weight loss too. One study showed up to a 6% decrease in body weight after just 8 weeks!21
Hormone Harmonizer #10:

Berberine is one of Europe’s best kept secrets for cleaning up the metabolic mess of menopause.
It delivers significant improvements in:
- Inflammation
- Blood Sugar
- Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
- And Hormonal Weight Triggers.14
Even more exciting, berberine increases glucose metabolism. This means less glucose is stored as fat, making weight loss a whole lot easier.15
The Hormone Harmony Advantage

Cheap Mass Market Products
- Not a synergistic system
- Doesn’t adapt to the unique needs of your body
- Doesn’t address mood or emotional balance
- Treats symptoms, not the root causes
- May contain out-dated whey protein as a filler
- May contain fillers your body cannot handle
- Ingredients not backed by clinical studies
- Ingredients not dosed to the right amounts
- Slapped together to make a quick buck
- Not plant-based
- May contain GMO’s, soy, dairy and gluten
- May contain dangerous artificial sweeteners
- Does not clear up past years of craziness

NEW Ultra Potent Hormone Harmony
- A unique 360-degree synergistic smart system
- Adapts to the unique needs of your body
- Addresses stress and provides emotional support
- Treats the symptoms AND the root causes
- Does not contain dairy clogged whey protein
- Does not contain fillers your body cannot handle
- Ingredients backed by clinical studies
- Ingredients dosed to the correct amounts
- $96,000 spent on Research & Development alone
- 100% natural and plant-based
- Free from GMO’s, soy, dairy and gluten
- Does not contain artificial sweeteners
- Clears up those past years of craziness
Get Superior Relief and Save 75% with Hormone Harmony
With Hormone Harmony, you’re getting 12 premium ingredients with every serving. All packed into 3 small capsules. That’s essentially 12 different nutritional supplements for the price of one.
We only use the highest quality extracts available at super potent doses. That means you’re getting higher doses than what’s proven to work in clinical studies. Not only that, but you can’t purchase all 12 of these ingredients separately.

At least not at the super potent doses used in Hormone Harmony. And even if you could, you’d have to spend at least $360 every month. That’s a lot. That’s like leasing a Lexus…
Or buying 2 new Louis Vuitton bags every year!
But we refuse to sacrifice on quality. As a result, our production costs are high. But we wanted to make Hormone Harmony affordable for every woman who needs it.
That’s why you can get started with a risk-free test drive today for just $69.99 for a single bottle.
That’s a 75% discount compared to buying each of these ingredients separately. But we love rewarding our most loyal customers with additional discounts. So when you grab one of our multi bottle options, you’ll save even more.
If you select our 3 bottle option, you’ll only pay $59.99 per bottle. And only $49.99 per bottle for our 6 bottle option.
Click the Add to Cart button below to grab the 6 bottle option (and save $120) or whatever option works best for you.
We Accept
Customer Support
Speak with one of our wellness experts, Sarah or Matt on instant chat or email.
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Same day dispatch shipping on orders before 1pm.
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Guaranteed 100% safe with encrypted SSL secure technology. Maintained daily.
Start Feeling Like “You” Again
Remember what life was like before menopause? When we decided to create Hormone Harmony, our goal wasn’t just to relieve menopause symptoms. We wanted to help women regain control and feel like themselves again.
Imagine how great it will feel to lay down at night and fall asleep the moment your head hits the pillow…
Then not wake up again until the next morning. Dry and comfortable, instead of dripping in sweat. Refreshed and filled with energy for the day.

Going shopping or out to dinner with friends…
Without fear of sudden hot flashes and sweat attacks.
An abundance of calming energy to power through work with focus…
And still have enough left in the tank for your family and yourself when you get home.
A happy, balanced mood that revives and enriches all of your relationships.
Rekindled intimacy with your partner…
Without lack of desire or painful dryness getting in the way.
These are just a few of the many benefits our women enjoy…
Once they make Hormone Harmony part of their lives.
“Used the new and ultra potent Hormone Harmony capsules! Worked like a treat in helping ease my severe menopause symptoms. Only negative is that they were out of stock when I went to reorder!”
“I’m so happy with the results, I reordered the product within 4 days of using Ultra Potent Hormone Harmony. I have great energy levels and I feel in control again!”
“I love that I feel much more settled with my hormones, more balanced.”
“I was suffering perimenopausal symptoms and hot flashes every 5 minutes, it was crazy. I can't go on HRT because of endometriosis. After coming across Happy Mammoth for sleep issues, I saw the reviews on Hormone Harmony. And I was excited to give it a go. I'd say my symptoms cleared up within a week! No flashes, no issues with sleep, it's amazing.”
Try Hormone Harmony Risk-Free with our Unconditional 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
We know Hormone Harmony is best in class for natural menopause relief. That’s why we’re willing to assume all the risk. When you buy today, you’re protected by our 60 day 100% satisfaction money back guarantee.
Here’s how it works. Take a full 60 days to try Hormone Harmony every day. If you’re not completely thrilled with the results…
Or you feel Hormone Harmony wasn’t worth the money for any reason at all, simply email us for a full refund. No hassle, no strings attached. You don’t even need to send the bottles or remaining supply back.
Our customer support email is support@happymammoth.co. They are standing by 24/7 to answer your questions and give you the support you need.
So if you’re ready to try Hormone Harmony risk-free, now is the time to act.
Supplies Are Limited and Out of Stocks are Common, so We Recommend Stocking Up on Hormone Harmony
We use only the highest quality ingredients from around the globe. As such, supplies are very limited. This is especially true for our unique form of chaste tree extract, which is rare.
Additionally, demand from women all over the world is skyrocketing. As a result of these factors, we frequently run out of inventory. And because of the exclusivity of our ingredients…
It can take 6 to 9 weeks for us to produce a new batch.
We don’t want our customers to enjoy the benefits of finally calming that hormonal chaos…
Then lose that progress because of running out of supply. That’s why we recommend choosing the 6 bottle option with each bottle containing a 24 day supply.
This way, you never have to worry about running out and losing all that progress. Plus, you save the most money.

Click the Add to Cart button below and grab the 6 bottle supply of Hormone Harmony…
Or whatever option works best for you (And save up to $120!)
We Accept
Customer Support
Speak with one of our wellness experts, Sarah or Matt on instant chat or email.
Fast Shipping
Same day dispatch shipping on orders before 1pm.
Secure Shopping
Guaranteed 100% safe with encrypted SSL secure technology. Maintained daily.
Last Call for Complete and Natural Menopause Relief:
- Reduces hot flashes and night sweats by 87%
- Controls sugar and food cravings
- Decreases anxiety by 75% and restores a deep sense of calm
- Supports healthy body weight and makes it easier to get rid of “menopause belly”
- Decreases depressive moods by 42%
- Promotes calm, productive energy
- Improves restful, uninterrupted sleep
- Clears brain fog for sharp, focused thinking
- Restores desire and intimacy
- Restores a balanced, happy mood
- Reduces dryness for comfortable intimate moments
- Revives relationships with family and friends
- Returns the joys of life prior to menopause
- Silences the hormonal craziness
Stay Trapped or Regain Control. You Have a Choice.
Really, there are 2 options here.

is do nothing different and continue down the current path. Continue as a prisoner to the unrelenting discomfort of menopause. All the while health, sanity, relationships, and career continue to suffer.
With this option, the only real choice is deciding whether or not to “risk it” with HRT. And that’s not even an option for many women.

Try something new and different from the status quo. No more trying to learn how to just “live with it.” Realize you deserve to live in comfort and relief.
You deserve to live in peace and happiness, feeling like the “old you” again. Without judgement or misunderstanding from others. Without risking health and well-being with dangerous traditional therapies.

Tens of thousands of women have already chosen this path with success. You’ve seen the dramatic results they enjoyed. Now it’s your turn. Fast, safer, and natural relief is now possible with Hormone Harmony.
There’s only one thing left to do.
Click the Add to Cart button below and grab the 6 bottle supply of Hormone Harmony…
Or whatever option works best for you (And save up to $120!)
We Accept
Customer Support
Speak with one of our wellness experts, Sarah or Matt on instant chat or email.
Fast Shipping
Same day dispatch shipping on orders before 1pm.
Secure Shopping
Guaranteed 100% safe with encrypted SSL secure technology. Maintained daily.
Meet the 3 World-Class Experts Behind Hormone Harmony

Belinda Kirkpatrick
Belinda is a leading nutritionist and naturopath in Sydney, Australia. She has over 15 years of clinical experience helping women overcome hormonal challenges. She specializes in natural approaches using proper nutrition and supplementation. Belinda is co-author of the book Healthy Hormones and creator of the Seed mobile app. Both help women receive customized health and nutrition advice for balancing their hormones. She consults with high level clients on delivering world-class natural hormonal solutions.
Tobie is the lead nutritional scientist at Happy Mammoth. He’s also the mastermind behind the breakthrough formula used in Hormone Harmony. He holds degrees in nutritional science and chemistry. Tobie has decades of experience developing evidence-based, cutting edge nutritional solutions. He prides himself on producing superior unique formulas. His creation of Hormone Harmony may be his best achievement yet.

Tobie Kokot, BHSc

Matt Murphy
Matt is the founder of Happy Mammoth. He’s an accomplished BioHacker with 10 years of experience studying nutritional sciences. He is passionate about traveling the world to discover new healing plant extracts. Since 2017, Happy Mammoth has helped over 77,000 women to overcome hormone challenges. And thanks to Hormone Harmony, these women have been able to get their lives back.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Copyright © 2020. All rights reserved.
Happy Mammoth LLC:
3325 NW 70th Ave, Miami, FL 33122, US
The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). The products sold on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. Pregnant and breastfeeding women: Please consult your doctor before using this product. If you have any concerns please consult your doctor or healthcare professional at all times.
Happy Mammoth™ is in no way affiliated or associated with Facebook®